My dream world propaganda

15 May - 20 July 2021 Kyiv

Voloshyn Gallery presents the personal exhibition of Kateryna Lysovenko called "My dream world propaganda". Exhibition curation by Ksenia Malykh.


Kateryna Lysovenko turns to painting and explores the history of its use as a tool for myth creation and propaganda. Considering ancient myths and Christian iconography, the artist reinterprets them from the point of view of the modern agenda of the concept of equality, human relations with nature, gender, and sexuality. With her painting, Lysovenko promotes the utopian world in which a human is free, and the constant struggle to capture the natural, material, and informational space is over.


The exhibition is featuring an altar with scenes from the Garden of Eden of the Utopian Dream World of Kateryna Lysovenko, which was first presented in the self-organized space "Bogdana". The holy women, deprived of a sacrificial purpose, found peace and pleasure in the Garden of Eden. Portraits of prticipants of the performance that took place during the first exhibition will be exhibited in the "space behind the altar".


Kateryna Lysovenko was born in Kyiv (1989), lives and works in Kyiv. Kateryna received a classical art education first at the Grekov Odessa Art School, then at NAOMA, and at the same time graduated from the "Contemporary Art" course at KAMA.
The artistic language of the artist began with the inheritance of the socialist realist tradition, later transformed into a process of active context redefining. In her practice, Kateryna addresses the research on the topic of power and ideology, as well as the transition from the Soviet to the modern.
In her artworks, the image of a victim often arises, no matter what topic the artist chooses — the dominance of the classical art academy, right-wing violence, religious oppression, or harassment.
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