Gotta decide today

28 July - 18 August 2021 Kyiv

Kyiv Academy of Media Arts and Voloshyn Gallery present the first issue of the two-year KAMA2YP: Contemporary Art program.


«Gotta decide today» - an exhibition of Maksym Khodak, Vasyl Sai, and Mathew Ruban - the young generation of Ukrainian artists. Cannibalism, ethics, denial of oneself and the other, preservation or destruction - these ideas arise on the verge of psychological and institutional and determine the responsibility for modernity, formed by future generations. The exhibition will feature a range of destructive gestures combining multi-channel video installation, performance art, documentation, arson, audio, photography, and painting. The curators of the exhibition, Yevgen Samborsky and Lesia Khomenko, have been teaching and mentoring young artists for two years within the framework of the KAMA two-year course program. The exhibition builds a complex connection between custody and dismissal, and a discussion about responsibility unfolds, formed in the interaction between two generations of artists.


The exhibition presents a biassed view of art, the role of the artist in society, a critical approach to working with the material - all this is the result of dialogues and practices that took place in the KAMA workshop during the educational laboratories. However, the artwork displayed in the exhibition is a gesture of liberation and a manifestation of their own. In his monumental video installation, Maksym Khodak raises the question of the influence of ethics on subversive artistic practices. Mathew Ruban works with a portrait and, through a medium, raises the status of a work of art and its future destiny. Vasyl Sai manifests surrender to the history of art and, through performance and painting, examines the role of authorship in artistic gesture.
Technical support by Photinus studio.
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